Why is it important to have an automatized Event Registration management and process?
Remember when the event registrations were confirmed by email one by one or by phone? The Hotels, food restritions, transport and workshop availability? You received hundreds or thousand of emails with questions, and the feeling was overhealming. And the duplicates? What a headache…
These are some of the motives (but not exclusively) that have a lean process of automatized forms and confirmations will help you and your participant to have a great first impression.
The Event Registration Management has several steps. A few relevant seconds for your guests and lot of important steps for you:
- The form, Site or Landing page where your participant will register;
- Mandatory fields for registration, with especific conditions, according with participant profile;
- Automatic confirmation – personalized with indications, qrcodes, and points of contact;
- Communication chanels – Advertising, Email and SMS Marketing wih RSVP
- Content calendar – reminders, save the dates, last minutes, and
Event Registration can deal with event information and metrics.
Plan the transportation, meals, the communication with the participants, confirm last minute dropouts, give important information, deal with GDPR, obtain participant confirmations in real time, with cloud sync, in protected sites, not being dependent of the laptop of John Doe.
To give a positive experience to the participant while saving time, have relevant information, is to create value for everyone involved.
Want to Know more? Contact us!